Those Who Hate Christmas

Passage: Matthew 2:1-18
Preacher: Jack Kapinga

A Tale of Two Births

Passage: Luke 1:5-38
Preacher: Roger Hesketh

Living in Line With the Gospel

Passage: Galatians 1:1-12, 2:11-21
Preacher: Steve Nicholson

Nothing Else Matters

Passage: Matthew 13:44-58
Preacher: Thomas Hemphill

The Supremacy of Christ

Passage: Colossians 1:13-23
Preacher: Bruce Bennett

Where's the Joy?

Should Christians Fast?

Go and Serve

Passage: John 21
Preacher: Graham Poole

Now... What!?!

Passage: Mark 4:35-41
Preacher: Ben Vandervelde

Come and Stay

Passage: John 15:1-17
Preacher: Graham Poole


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